Experiential Learning Project: Podcasting
Faculty in English (Kiandra Jimenez) and Music Industry Studies (Brady Kerr) at Norco College collaborated with students for a unique, experiential learning experience: podcasting.
English (Umoja) x Music Industry Studies
English students explored podcast recording, applying rhetoric, research, and oral narratives. Integrated into the Umoja program, it responded to students' interest in audio recording. The partnership aimed to showcase the practical applications of English and research skills in jobs, emphasizing rhetoric in audio broadcasting careers. It also encouraged career exploration and immersed the students in the rich tradition of Black rhetoric.
Make It Stand Out
Students within English courses created brief podcast episodes (eight minutes or less) on culturally relevant topics connected to their communities and families.
The Recording Process
They recorded their submissions with Music Industry Studies students (Alex Rodgers and Michael Ortiz) in the Norco College recording studio, after which the MIS students edited and refined the recordings. Upon completion, they were guided to submit their podcasts to NPR’s (National Public Radio) College Podcast contest, fostering a sense of achievement.